Laura Venecia Rodriguez, MBA (George Washington University), MA (American University), BA (Wellesley College), worked as a writer/researcher/speaker for the Federal government and private sector and lived in metropolitan Washington, DC for 44 years.

Since relocating to Charleston, SC in 2021 and launching Intuitive Advising and Writing, LLC., Laura has focused on researching and sharing information about ancient and contemporary practices, techniques, and wisdom to enhance the body, mind, and spirit.

An experienced content creator and skilled presenter, Laura specializes in helping beginners over age 50 to easily understand and adopt new lifestyle habits and practices she has used herself before and after age 50 to continue feeling energetic and youthful.

In 2023, Laura published Gentle Yoga After 50: Get Fit, Flexible, and Feel Fantastic, an easy-to-follow guide to inspire and help yoga beginners add a gentle yoga practice to their lifestyle to regain youthful energy, flexibility, and wellbeing. Gentle yoga is just one of the various pillars of a healthful lifestyle that Laura promotes. She also encourages regular walking, daily bouncing/jumping on a mini trampoline (what she considers a “supreme body workout), mat Pilates, strength training, meditation, and advocates following a nutrient-dense eating plan (heavy on plants, legumes, nuts, some fish, and fruit).

Trained in hypnotherapy, meditation, life purpose intuitive coaching and practices, and tarot card interpretation, Laura combines these tools to help women over 50 regain their mojo and “shine” with renewed purpose and passion after reaching an impasse or experiencing a major upheaval in their lives—empty nest, death of a loved one, divorce/breakup, job change or layoff, retirement, or health crisis.

Laura's intuitive guidance is simple, easy-to-follow, and heartbased. She is dedicated to helping you optimize your ability to enjoy a "freaking fantastic life" for the rest of your life. She wants you to wake up every morning with youthful energy, vitality, and zeal to pursue your personal zone of genius and interests, whatever they are!

A weekly advice and inspirational column about how to live your best life after age 50. Presenting inspiring stories and ancient and modern tips, tools, and techniques to "shine" in your body, mind, and spirit