Are you over age 50?

Are you a late bloomer who put off your true dream or passion for years?

Have you lost your mojo because of a recent upheaval such as:

  • Divorce/breakup?

  • Empty nest?

  • Health Scare/Crisis?

  • Job loss/change/retirement?

  • Death of a loved one?

  • Reduced energy?

  • Unwelcome weight gain?

Laura of is on a mission to help you enjoy a freaking fantastic life after age 50 for the rest of your life!

As a professional writer/researcher, and intuitive advisor, Laura has developed her unique S.H.I.N.E. system™ and offers intuitive and spiritual guidance based on ancient and modern wisdom, practices, techniques, and tools that are:

S - Simple and spiritual

H - Heart based and healthful

I - Inspiring and intuitive

N - Nourishing and novel

E - Enjoyable and energizing

By learning the tools and practices that Laura shares in her system, you can optimize your ability to:

  • Become and stay physically active, energetic, and youthful

  • Be mentally sharp, calm, and creative

  • Awaken and live from your authentic zone of genius

  • Welcome each day sizzling with zeal and joy from the inside out

As the old "Shining Star" by Earth, Wind, & Fire says, “You're a shining star, no matter who you are. Shining bright to see what you could truly be!”

Are you going through a challenge and experiencing stress RIGHT NOW? Would you like to reduce your stress and harness the power of your intuition to come up with a solution?

Click below to enter your name and email address to receive your free, de-stress and relaxation audio to help you through this situation.
